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  • in reply to: Calculate Optimal Datatypes Error #30114

    As you have posted this topic in wrong product category, I have moved this topic in SQLyog's “Bugs and Features” section.

    in reply to: Using The Sqlyog Profiler #30103

    “Freeing Items” — The thread has executed a command. This state is usually followed by cleaning up.

    But still query in “freeing items” state more than 70% is bad indeed. Also this MySQL issue might be related to this http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=43758.

    You can try by Enabling “Query Cache” for more optimal result.

    Please go through these links:




    We are still trying to reproduce this issue at our end.

    Can you please tell,

    1. What is the OS of the system where MONyog is running?

    2. If it is a *nix system, please give us the output of the following commands:

    a. uname -a

    b. cat /etc/issue

    3. What is the OS where the SSH server is running? It it is *nix please give the output of above commands.

    4. What is the SSH server make and version?

    5. Are you collecting OS metrics?

    6. How much is the Data collection Interval time?

    7. Is Processlist based sniffer enabled?

    in reply to: Copying Table Via Batch #30057

    No. Currently SJA will not do operation like mentioned in the post.

    SJA will be useful in case of “Data Synchonization” , “Scheduled backup”, “Import External data”, “Notification Services” .

    I keep 2 browsers (IE 8.0.6001.18702) open, one on the process list viewing 1 MySQL 5.0.86 server, and the other browser on the monitors/replication tab viewing 5 MySQL 5.0.86 servers.

    After a couple of days, the browser on the processlist view stops working, with an error message in a red font saying:

    Tunnel to MySQL server was not created successfully..

    I can switch tabs and which servers to view, but if I go back to the original server in the processlist view, the error remains.

    It takes restarting the MONyog service or host to resolve the error. And since I don't have admin access to the resource, I have to get a network admin involved.

    I am on MONyog: 3.15

    Is there a fix for this?

    Please tell,

    1) Is processlist page open for couple of days ?

    2) You have mentioned other tab viewing five 5.0.86 server, You mean to say you have registered same MySQL server details five times and viewing all in Monitors/Advisors ?

    3) After you got error message , Edit Server — What does “Test Connection” says?

    4) Are you able to connect to SSH Server through putty or some other program when MONyog shows the error?

    in reply to: Schema Sync Tool Bug #30036

    Issue Confirmed as described with program version 8.17 and 8.2 RC too.

    We will fix this with high priority.

    Thanks for reporting.

    in reply to: Saving Email Notification Settings Lock Up Entire Monyog #29454

    MONyog v 3.14 has been released with the fix,


    in reply to: V8.12 Windows Vista Business #29386

    Any news here ?

    in reply to: Saving Email Notification Settings Lock Up Entire Monyog #29452

    Issue Confirmed in Linux 32 bit and 64 bit OS.

    We will fix this with high priority.

    Thanks for reporting.

    in reply to: Query Analyzer Cuts Off After Line Break #29447

    Please tell which program version you are using?

    Also to view full query (Multiline) click on “Show Full” label.

    I am not sure if the grouping is made only by first line of SQL – if so even the calculation would be wrong.

    Grouping is on full Query content not on first line of SQL.

    in reply to: Schema Synchronization Scripting #29439

    Yes.. “Generate script” should contain “Create table … ” statements too, if target database is empty ( no tables present).

    We have added this in our issue tracker here http://code.google.com/p/sqlyog/issues/detail?id=1134

    BTW: You can use “Schema Synchronization” feature to make schema identical between database(s).

    in reply to: V8.12 Windows Vista Business #29385

    Please tell,

    1) Are you using 32 bit OR 64 bit OS type?

    2) Give exact version of OS installed?

    in reply to: Backup As Sql Vs Mysqldump Speed? #29377

    We tried with remote database within LAN for 20 tables ( having 500K rows) and few funcions, views, store procedures and triggers ( SQL file is 350 M:cool:.

    Both SQLyog and MySQLdump took same time to perform the export operation( 1 minute and 35 seconds).


    Thanks for installing MONyog evaluation version.

    Can you please tell exact error message shown on click of “Test Connection” ?

    To connect to MySQL server , you just need to give

    1) MySQL IP address/hostname

    2) Port on which MySQL server is running

    3) Username and

    4) password

    Also try by connecting using other MySQL client programs?

    in reply to: Disableing A Server In Monyog #29358

    Yes it is possible to Disable a server in MONyog .

    Edit Server — Go To Data Collection Options Select “Disable” radio button.

    ( Please see the screen shot attached here with)

Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 439 total)