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  • in reply to: Copy To Clipboard, How To Paste Into Table? #31003
    'Mahesh' wrote on '28:

    — OK .. You want to synchronize rows(records) between two similar tables then you can use a feature called “Database Synchronization” it “synchronize” data (complete database or individual tables) on two servers/host. It utilizes advanced checksum algorithms for comparison

    of the data and can be very effective in “finding out” which data must be INSERTed, UPDATEd or DELETEd on either of the hosts to bring them “in sync”.

    Please read this documentation regarding Database synchronization:


    As I understood that you have a Live server and testserver and you want newly added records in live site should get updated in testserver right ?

    You can achieve this using Database Synchronization tool of SQLyog ( Goto Powertools –> Database Synchronization)

    Please feel free to ask any question.

    Well sort of. But in this very case. I only want 3 specific rows copied from the live to our local, not an actual synchro. (because we asked our client to stop working on the live and only on the test server, yet he fails and did this even so)

    I haven't really tried any of the power tools but I've heard from ppl who bought your software that there's alot of terrific stuff which really eases ones database work.

    in reply to: Copy To Clipboard, How To Paste Into Table? #31001
    'Mahesh' wrote on '28:

    You can't paste those rows into other table, you can copy those selected rows and paste those in an editor ( like in SQLyog editor, Notepad etc…)

    Ok, then where do I suggest that it should be possible to do this?

    in reply to: [Bug] View Copied Over From Database As Table #30822
    'nithin' wrote on '07:

    Please create a support ticket from below link, and attach the dump there. If the dump is big we will give our 'yoursendit' credentials so you could attach the dump from there. (Also we may provide you some special binary to verify the problem)


    Thank you




    in reply to: [Bug] View Copied Over From Database As Table #30820
    'nithin' wrote on '06:


    Also Please verify few more things.

    – In copy database dialog will you able to expand 'Views' folder?

    – Execute this query against source database and tell the status:

    show full tables from `database_name` where Table_type = 'view'



    * yes I can see all the views there properly

    * The query you provided shows the views properly on the source. Tables_in_database_name and Table_type shows all the views properly and the type is VIEW.

    How do I deliver the SQL dump?

    in reply to: [Bug] View Copied Over From Database As Table #30818
    'peterlaursen' wrote on '06:

    I did not ask for data.  I asked for a structure-only dump.

    That I can fix however 😉

    in reply to: [Bug] View Copied Over From Database As Table #30815
    'peterlaursen' wrote on '06:

    Is is not reproducible.  It looks like an issue with your server.  Could you try to copy with a similar test case in the other direction once? Also check if you dump fromand import to will that work OK?

    However there may be a bug only materializing with a specific structure.  So a structure-only dump of your exact case would be nice (create a support ticket if you do not want to post it  here).

    Also if server general log is enabled on can you tell the last statement recorded here?

    I don't think I'll be able to provide the actual database in question as it contains alot of valuable data, but I can try to do a copy on the same server.

    Another question: Why do I get:

    SELECT command denied to user 'theUser'@'my.ip.add.ress' for table 'proc'

    I've clicked manage privilegies, selected theUser@% in the dropdown. Ticked all boxes (which should have a CTRL/ALT selection option for many) on the main top window. selected procedure/function and ticked every single box there.

    in reply to: Chinese Characters Problem #30165
    'navyashree.r' wrote on '12:

    Sorry, image is here.



    Ofcourse how stupid! I had looked everywhere for that. I thought that feature was actually removed from this version. (I had seen it by default on older versions)

    Anyways. Remember to untick the default box: “Hide Language Options”

    Thank you very much!

    in reply to: Chinese Characters Problem #30162
    'peterlaursen' wrote on '18:

    It has!  table menu/context menu .. alter table .. advanced properties.

    If you look in my previous post, there is a screenshot where I set this you are speaking of. That does NOT solve the problem.

    I had to do a query:


    to solve the problem.

    If it's meant to do the same as my query, then there's a bug in webyog 8.2.

    in reply to: Chinese Characters Problem #30160

    Yes I'm using 8.2. When I created the table like you said it worked.

    Is there some way to set default charset for a table after it's been created?

    I did:


    and after it worked to insert chinese chars into it.

    Why doesn't sqlyog have an option to do this anywhere? 🙂

    in reply to: Chinese Characters Problem #30156
    'peterlaursen' wrote on '15:

    SQLyog works with any charset supported by server. Please read the FAQ: http://webyog.com/faq/content/34/148/en/do-i-need-to-set-names-to-display-characters-of-my-language.html

    But the editor will not recognize anything but ANSI, UFT8 and 'Windows Unicode'. Do strings you copy from that website display OK in the SQLyog editor? Did you try different browsers?

    If we shall help you have have to reply to our questions as well!

    Here's what it looks like:


    and like I said, I'd like to know which version of mysql you guys are using.. Because the mysql server might be the problem aswell.

    in reply to: Chinese Characters Problem #30154
    'Mahesh' wrote on '15:

    We have tried with v 8.2 with chinese character works fine at our end. ( see the screen shot )

    Are you sure that column level charset is Utf8 ?

    could you please tell me what version of mysql you are using?

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