Forum Replies Created
MemberI really don't know why it worked this time around. I'm just gald it works… maybe your good karma did it. I was able to push the data to all my dev, staging, and live databases.
MemberRitesh, I finally got it to work.
This time around the only difference was that my escape string was \ instead of
MemberRitesh, very interesting.
I'm using 3.23.58 on Windows XP
MemberRitesh, thanks for replying. Here it is:
CREATE TABLE `exp_pricelist_prices` (
`price_id` smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`printsize_id` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
`pricelist_id` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
`price` float NOT NULL default '0',
`sort` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '50',
PRIMARY KEY (`price_id`)
MemberUsing SQLyog Enterprise v4.01 and having trouble importing a CSV file. Keep getting the error message:
“Error while importing data”. Don't get any other helpful error message in History tab.
I have a table that consists of the following:
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Privileges
price_id smallint(6) unsigned PRI (NULL) auto_increment select,insert,update,references
printsize_id smallint(6) 0 select,insert,update,references
pricelist_id smallint(6) 0 select,insert,update,references
price float 0 select,insert,update,references
sort tinyint(4) 50 select,insert,update,references
In the import dialog box, I make sure to de-select the 'price_id' primary key column. My csv file only contains
the other 4 field data. I also have the fields terminated by comma and have tried both n and rn for line
terminators. I also make sure to ignore the first line which contains the field headers.
I've attached my CSV file. Please help.