Forum Replies Created
Memberpeterlaursen wrote on Mar 1 2008, 11:07 AM:We cannot tell in every detail. The ISP must have that information somewhere.You pretty much just type the server name and then the cpanel username and password most likely. Unless you do indeed have another DB user that you prefer for the connection. I recommend using the ip address as the host address and leave the databases field empty so you can connect to ALL your databases on the MySql server.
– Per
Membermrspoonzy wrote on Feb 28 2008, 07:15 AM:Hey guys,Lets me respond to peterlaursen's comment :
“Most of that stuff will require access to the file system. We do not have this when connecting with the C-API from a remote host. I also think that some of it will work with MyISAM tables only”
I only had in mind stuff that can be retreived via a “show table status”.
But anyway, I just ran “show table status” in SQLYog and it showed me a grid of every table with all the information.
Duh! This is exactly what I wanted. Silly me.
Hi 🙂
This is what the objects pane is for 😀 Just select a database and then click on the pane/tab called objects …
When i develop a database i use this view to see at a glance that all my tables are indeed of type InnoDB. If im not mistaken this is the storage engine to use to ensure the highest data security – as it uses transaction logging. No data is lost due to sudden power loss or similar. It can reconstruct all data in all tables from the log files. MyIsam is optimised for speed. Though i never saw a huge speed difference between the two in normal use …
– Per
MemberHi 🙂
Assuming you are connected to both databases from SQLyog you can do it manually. Create a new SP in the other dababase and copy over the code from the SP editor. Not elegant but it works. Make sure to select the correct DB when you do this or else you may see the SP created in the wrong DB 🙂
– Per
Memberpeterlaursen wrote on Feb 8 2008, 11:41 PM:There is (to my best knowledge) no approved or 'de-facto' standard for how to define/represent a database schema in XML.Do you have knowledge or ideas of any such standard or convention? Or just good ideas of your own?
Many MySQL clients have the ability to export to Excel XML format. This may be sufficient. I know some who use that as a middle step for getting data from MySQL into FileMaker for instance.
Memberpeterlaursen wrote on Feb 14 2008, 03:29 PM:But a trigger cannot write to the table ON which it is defined!Hmm … i never knew this! I knew that a trigger in MySql cannot call a stored procedure. MySql still has quite some way to go then …
Actually stored procedures is my preferred way of managing data in a database. One can be extra useful and make a user ONLY allowed to run stored procedures and use this user for db access entirely 🙂
– Per
MemberHi 🙂
Yet another option is to create a trigger, for instance an on after update trigger. This could be set to update the time-stamp field as required. This would work regardless if you work from SqlYog or from some other scripting solution or other client.
An advanced solution might be to come up with some stored procedure doing essentially the same as the trigger, assuming you are using MySql 5+ 🙂
– Per
MemberHi 🙂
Another option is to install a generic unicode editor like SC Unipad. Try this editor instead of one of the MS options 😕
MemberHi 🙂
For use with PHP i'd just recommend to make the timestamp column integer (varchar works too, due to PHP loose datatyping). Now simply insert time() into the row when adding a tuple (row) to the table. This creates a standard unix timestamp. When reading back the time, format it with the flexible date() function. Having a raw timestamp saved is extremely flexible IMHO 🙂 It is always a good idea to separate the view layer from the datalayer (MVC)!
– Per
MemberHi 🙂
I'd like to add one more feature request. I guess it's actually a minor bug fix 😉
If i do live editing in a table and i then want to sort the table differently by clicking on one of the headers, the editing is lost – without being queried if i want to save changes first. Some may say this is a USER fault – but i do not completely agree. If i edit a word document and attempt to close it, im getting asked to save changes. It should work the “same” when editing a table and reloading it arranged differently.
It is small things like this that make a product stand out from the large crowd 😎
Best wishes,
MemberHi 🙂
Instead of opening a new thread i would like to add the following feature request for the table data browser/grid.
When scrolling columns with the keyboard left/right arrows scrolling right to left works fine. Scrolling the other way does not work on large tables. This is annoying as i have to resort to combination of dragging the scrollbar with my mouse while moving the “cursor” with the right key.
All the best,
– Per
Memberpeterlaursen wrote on Jan 30 2008, 05:36 PM:I do not think it is a bug. But with a Grid/GUI interface you can be right that users would expect a row to be identified uniquely if they do not think about the underlying SQL.Hi, i do not want to revert the table to a version without PK. But i had the problem consistently before adding the correct PK.
At the very least the user should get the option to delete that single row or any row that satisfies the “query”.
And yes many users would not even think about an underlying sql query for this. Expecting this to work just like in say – Excel 😎 Lets face it. MySql is widely used by novices – just starting out with php and mysql to make homepages that go beyond html/css/js. Many of these wouldn't even know what a PK is. So make life easy for them please 🙂
Best wishes,
Memberpeterlaursen wrote on Jan 30 2008, 04:09 PM:please read this FAQ:…tabase-why.html
DELETE FROM .. WHERE … will delete all rows that satisfy the WHERE condition.
(the FAQ deals with UPDATES, but exactly the same issue with DELETES)
Maybe phpMyAdmin adds a 'LIMIT 1' to the statement. We don't. We advise users to have a PK! This is both safer and more efficient.
Please detail this
“I also noticed that in the same table (with no PK) it will sometimes insert 2 identical rows when only 1 should have been added”
Are you INSERTING or UPDATING ??? It ishould not happen if inserting. Please check the HISTORY tab what SQLyog sends to the server?
Hmm .. what's up with this forum by the way. I click Reply and i get the editor with quoted text, as if i had pressed quote 😮
I was doing live editing in the table content – at the bottom. When i click on another row it auto saves changes – so it's an insert not update!!
Though it's always good design to use PK of course it is still a bug IMHO. The table had no PK since i had used a tool to export from postgre to MySql. Obviously the tool did not do a a very good job. I was unable to use the postgre backup and re-create it. Does the paid version have a postgre import/migration tool?
I have now fixed the table with a triple-field PK. As it should be, and it behaves well with insertion and deletion. I suggest you really add that LIMIT 1 feature 😎
– Per
MemberHi 🙂
I have been away from the forum for a while. Can you (Peter) please reactivate the link again, as it is no longer working. I want to try out the fix 😉
Best wishes,
Memberpeterlaursen wrote on Nov 14 2007, 10:14 AM:Except for compressed image files (jpg, gif, png) and very small .txt's we request that you zip attachments.There are two reasons for the limtation:
1) protect users against downloading files wit hany kind of active content
2) save dis space on the server
I do not understand 'Please remove the .xml additional extension' .. from where?
we will return the 'original matter' soon,
I would have thought that using an unknown extension would be fine too, like .per (my first name). I also tried .rar archive, but it didnt like it.
I mean to remove the .xml extension from the uploaded .sql file. Ok i will just zip it not rar it or give other non-runnable names.
Back to the problem, the *title* field contains solely plain text, user supplied through some web page. Why would it be treated as binary? That beats me … hmm …
I attached the sql dump as a zip archive 🙂
-Per K Fredlund
MemberHi 🙂
I have included the exported data.
Just a quick comment. SQLyog is not losing focus during the export process 🙂
Please remove the .xml additional extension <_< Gosh, too few filetypes are allowed for upload, i needed 6 attempts!! 🙁 Best wishes, – Per