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Wrap In Query Windows

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Wrap In Query Windows

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    • #10480

      I wish to see in Query windows a WRAP command, then long queries should wrap in multiple lines to see the whole one.

      Also if I am after a ; at the end of theline (for ex: select team_name, team_id from team_entry where team_manager_id=13;) then query not execute, even if I am on the same line, I need to click into the SQL command and then execute. I suggest, if I am at the end of the line, near ; then execute as I am inside of it.

    • #24662


      This is a SQLyog question, not a MONyog question. Please post in the correct category.

      SQLyog supports executing the query by placing the cursor anywhere(even after semicolon) in the editor if you have only one query, otherwise you need to keep the cursor inside the query which you want to execute!

    • #24663

      Even if you have many queries, if I am at the end of the line, right after semicolon, should execute that line.

      Sometimes we copy from our software the SQL into SQLyog and we always need to click inside the SQL to execute. Is just time consuming cause we sometimes forgot …

    • #24664

      SQL is not line-based. There is no other way to identify where a query starts and stops then using the DELIMITER. How would you handle this one

      This is a query;This
      a query
      ;This is one more query;
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