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Wish-list feature

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    • #8638

      When a query result is returned, it would be great if the record could be selected there and then to be edited.

      When working with large tables, it is frequently necessary to find a record, then edit a field in it. So, you do a query to find it, then you have to either write straight SQL to edit it (which I am resorting to more and more often), or edit the table, which can take an age to even load the dialog (if it doesn't crash), then you need to find the record all over again.

      Being able to right-click a record, and edit it without clearing the results of the query would be great, like DBAdmin allows you to do. Then if you need to edit say the 5 records that are a result of a query, you can do it easily and quickly.



    • #16502

      You can edit result returned by a query using Edit->Execute Query->Execute For Update… or by pressing F8 instead of F5. A Grid will come up with the result which you can update. This allows you to edit a Resultset having a complex WHERE clause or JOINS. SQLyog will generate the corresponding Insert/Update script to commit the changes.

      I guess this is what you are looking for.

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