I am new in this version; the first impression is very good. But in compare with other utilities there are some difficulties.
1) The SQL editor haven't the capability to import a sql script. Now there is only the possibility to run a command without to see it before execute, or write a command and save it. (see Mysql front )
2) foreign key; Perfect to insert a new foreign key. But if I try to remove it I receive, before a message (confirm a drop relationschip) and after an error 1005 (can't create table c:winnttemp#slq290_1_3.frm (err.140). Note that there are all the permission in c:winnt folder. In the history windowd appear:
Error No. 1005
Can't create table 'C:WINNTTEMP#sql290_1_3.frm' (errno: 140)
[08.08.31][ 20 ms] create temporary table if not exists `omt`.`sqlyog_1571` ( `Lotto` char(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , `Indice` char(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , `NMisura` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , `Misura` double NULL , `TolMin` double NULL , `TolMax` double NULL , `Seq` char(4) NULL , `Macchina` char(8) NULL , `Operazione` char(3) NULL , `Matricola` char(8) NULL , `IdaReg` datetime NULL , `IdaVar` datetime NULL , `UserReg` char(30) NULL , `UserVar` char(30) NULL , `WStatReg` char(30) NULL , `WStatVar` char(30) NULL , `LIFEBELT` timestamp(14) NULL , primary key ( Lotto, Indice, NMisura ) ,FULLTEXT KEY `Matricola` ( `Matricola`, `IdaReg` ))
3) There is a editor for my.ini file ?