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Tuning Mysql

forums forums Monyog Using Monyog Tuning Mysql

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    • #12490


      I have a server with 12GB RAM, 2 quadcores, and MySQL is very slow.

      I have to 340 sg of querys.

      As I can parameterize the server?


    • #32809

      Install MONyog and register a problematic MySQL server. While registering enter valid details for what things you want to monitor.

      For example:

      If you want to monitor SSH server where MySQL server is running you can add this detail in SSH settings.

      Again if you want to analyze slow log to find out slow running queries you can enter slow log file path details in “MySQL Query log” settings

      Also you can enable sniffer to sniff real time queries and get notification for long running queries in “Sniffer Settings” etc..

      Once you registered successfully select a server and GoTo Monitors page.

      Here you might see some Warning/Critical events try to clear them by making changes to MySQL server's configuration file (my.cnf/my.ini file).

      To find out problematic queries you can use Query Analyzer feature to get aggregated view of slow running queries.

      Later you can optimize those queries by adding indexes, changing datatypes etc..

      To optimize queries you may use SQLyog (MySQL GUI) which has several feature for optimizing query like 'Query profiler', 'Calculate Optimal Datatypes' and 'Find Redudant Indexes' etc..

      This is continuous process in order to get optimum server performance.

      I suggest refer MONyog help documentation and whitepaper from here:





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