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Trouble Created Ddl To Migrate Schema

forums forums SQLyog Using SQLyog Trouble Created Ddl To Migrate Schema

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    • #10609

      I'm working on a web app that's currently in beta. I need to modify the schema relatively often and so I've recently purchased SQLyog Enterprise to create ddl files to update the database.

      I'm having some trouble with what I think is a typical task, so hopefully someone here can help.

      A simple analogy to explain my current situation would be a Person table containing the column ADDRESS_FK. Instead of storing one address per person, say the schema now needs to support a 1:* relationship, where the Address table gets a PERSON_FK column.

      The Structure Sync Tool produces sql that would get the structure right, but it ignores the existing data. For example, it wants to drop `ADDRESS_FK` and its associated key, along with all the data in that column.

      How can I get SQLyog to generate a sql script that would migrate the existing data to the new structure before dropping the columns?

      I'd like it to:

      • alter Address: insert PERSON_FK and associated keys
      • for each person, select the associated Address in address_fk, and insert that value into address.person_fk
      • drop the old stuff

      Curious to know how other folks are handling this type of issue.

    • #25210

      yes .. we should consider ALTER TABLE and not just DROP-CREATE with structure sync!

    • #25211

      Oh, I guess this is a feature request then… I thought SQLyog already did this, with screens that help you migrate the existing data to where it belongs in the new schema. Something like:

      update address a set PERSON_FK=(select id from person where address_fk=a.id);

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