I have a MySQL 4.1 on a Linux server and a MySQL 4.1 on a client PC. I have installed the enterprise version of SQLyog and managed to replicate the server database to the PC database.
Now I want to sync tables. The trial version allows me to choose only one table at the time, so this is what I do :
– There is a table ACCOUNTS in the database that has a field ACCOUNT_NAME (this is not a primary key)
– On the PC database I manually change this field for one record : say I change “customer one” to “customer x”
– I do not sync yet
– On the server database I change this field for another record : say I change “customer two” to “customer y”
– I set up sync with source PC and target server
– Run Immediately
The result is that the source db overwrites the target db, meaning in the above example I found in both tables after sync “customer x” and “customer two”; so the sync worked only one way.
“The trial version allows me to choose only one table at the time” no .. TWO!
“The result is that the source db overwrites the target db” This is by design!.
Please search a little! This has been asked 100 times and replied to 100 times as well!
Short answer: there is NO WAY a computer can tell which row is the correct one if two rows with the same PK_value exists on both hosts, it needs a 'rule' defined by a human. The only 'rule' supported at a time is “overwrites ” We plan a more advanced 'conflict resolver' for users to define their own rules.