Unsupported Screen Size: The viewport size is too small for the theme to render properly.

statup window

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    • #7885


      the program opens always with maximized window. i have two big monitors and i it is not pleasant at all to have so large windows opened.

      best regards


    • #14175

      I would also like to put my vote into SQLyog remembering the last window position/size from last exit.

      SQLyog opening up full screen on each start up is getting rather .. annoying.

    • #14176

      it would be GREAT if sqlyog would remember the window size and position it was closed with! of course this would have the still check if the resolution has changed because openning at 1200 on a 1024 width would be a bit silly.

    • #14177

      Along the same lines, SQLyog could have an entire preferences section in which users could change several features such as always showing results in text.

    • #14178

      I got the same problem, but somehow the reverse.

      Always when i start sqlyog, it's the “max size” of screen, NOT maximized. This means that when I want to close the program, I move the mouse to the upper right of the screen and click.

      And to my surprise (every time!) the maximized program behind sqlyog gets closed, and I get really annoyed.

      Of course, this only happens when I forget to maximize SQLyog on start, but it's mostly on short in-and-out sessions.

      A preference on how to start it would be good.

      Wait. I'm being stupid here. I just realized i can right-click the shortcut of the program and set it to open maximized. Yeah, it worked. Hehe.. Sorry to bother you, but I hope this helps someone with the same problem as me 🙂

    • #14179

      this is a Windows issue. Now if you resize it (smaller), close the program and restart it, it should remember the setting. Doesn't it?

      This is related to the program icon on the desktop only. You can create a new .lnk by dragging from installation folder. Also right-clicking on that .lnk gives some setting options.

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