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Sqlyog Lockup When Query Gets Terminated From Server Side

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Sqlyog Lockup When Query Gets Terminated From Server Side

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    • #12104

      When a query is being executed, but gets terminated from server side (kill, timeout etc.) SQLyog doesn't reflect that changed state.

      From SQLyog side, the query can then not be stopped with “Stop Execution” (it says the Thread ID does not exist), nor can the tab or the program be closed (is says that queries are still running).

      The only way to stop SQLyog is using the task manager and kill it from the system.


      When “Stop Execution” is pressed and it's detected that the Thread ID is not existent on the server, treat the query as if it had been stopped from client side, and make the program usable again.

    • #31316

      Looks like a very valid request.  We will need a little time to verify details and internals though.

      Maybe we should even output something like “This query is no longer running on the server.  It may have been killed by another client.” That would be useful to know when it happens.

    • #31317

      Could you please tell, SQLyog version and OS where the SQLyog is running?

    • #31318

      We've been running 8.5 and 8.6 and have seen this issue quite a bit. I'd thumb-up this request!!

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