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Sqlyog Crashing On Left Join

forums forums SQLyog Using SQLyog Sqlyog Crashing On Left Join

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    • #12290
      Larry Woods

      I am using 8.82 and the PHP tunneling code. I am trying to find the records in Table A that are NOT in Table B. I am using a LEFT JOIN roughly like:

      SELECT a.ID FROM tableA a LEFT JOIN tableB b ON a.Field1=b.Field2 WHERE b.propID IS NULL

      NOTE: TableA has approx 30,000 records and TableB has 28,500 records.

      When I run this using the 100 record limit, it runs fine. I can also step the result by 100 and it still works. When I uncheck the limit. It runs for a looong time and then pops up an error that says that SQLyog cannot connect to the tunneling code. In order to test further I changed the SQL statement to just count the result:

      SELECT COUNT(a.ID) FROM tableA a LEFT JOIN tableB b ON a.Field1=b.Field2 WHERE b.propID IS NULL

      Again, it ran for a loooong time and then SQLyog crashed!!!

      I am attaching the dump. It seems to have created two dumps but one is 0K in length. I attached the other one.

      Larry Woods

    • #32093

      Please check in Task Manager while the query is running. I think memory use builds up to a certain point and then it crashes. Am I right? Anyway let us see what the dump tells.

    • #32094

      We are checking this issue at our end.

      BTW Can you try whether you are able to reproduce this case?

      We may provide you a special build to find the exact issue.

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