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Showing error dialog in tree list of tables

forums forums SQLyog Using SQLyog Showing error dialog in tree list of tables

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    • #9015

      Dear all,

      I m using sqlyog for mysql client. my server is Linux, on which mysql 4.1.11 is installed

      In sqlyog leftside there is a treelist view, which is showing a list of all the tables in the selected database.

      Sometimes when i'm rightclicking on the table there and click on 'alter table structure' it shows 'could not read data for table!' error dialog box. After that also, i m able to alter the structure of the table without any problem. what is this error actually?

      Can anyone faced this problem?? It is not happening with all the tables. There is no any problem with accessing the data or inserting new data in that table.



    • #17965

      Can you cut-n-paste result for the following query?

      show full fields from `db`.`table`
      show keys from `db`.`table`
      show table status from `db`

      Where db and table are your respective database and table names?

    • #17966

      I get this error message too from time to time, where it does not make sence. Clicking OK and everything works…

      Below an example from the “manage privileges” pane. Error message appears with just one DB (no matter who is is the user and no mattter if the user has any privileges to the DB or not) and not other DB. The DB in question is imported with the SQLyog “ODBC import wizard”. The only thing special about it is that is uses VIEWS (MySQL 5.0.4) and is rater big (approx 37500 rows)

    • #17967

      This arror may be well related to you using MySql v5.0.4. 5 series is marked beta therefore lot of changes should be expected!

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