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Select With Aes_Decrypt Hangs Intermittently

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Select With Aes_Decrypt Hangs Intermittently

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    • #11821

      When I try to do a “SELECT AES_DECRYPT(mycol,'KEY') FROM mycol WHERE id=num; “, I noticed that SQLYog hangs intermittently, more than 50% of the time. You cannot stop the query with the X icon on the toolbar. You need to kill the process. We got this condition on several PCs running Windows 7 with SqlYog Enterprise 8.14 for several different tables where the encrypted data is stored in a column of type longtext or mediumtext.

    • #30305


      We haven't reproduced yet

      Inbtw please tell,

      Have you tried this case other OS than Win7?

      What type of connection used (Direct/ssh/http)?

      MySQL version?

      Also can you try with latest stable version 8.2?

      Thank you


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