Also always tell the MySQL versions involved (bothand )
First you should find out if the error is specific for a host, a database or if it happens all the time. los tell if it happens with 'two-way' only and not 'one-way'. As many details as you are able to find out!
If it is specific for some data:
best of all if you reproduce it with a small test case including
* a DUMP fromand
* the job-file
Please ZIP (or TAR) everything. Attach here or create a ticket if you want privacy. You may of course fake passwords …
If it is specific for some host it would be nice if we could have temporary access to that server.
Hi Peter, I have gathered the following information:
TARGET server info: YES, 64bit Ubuntu
Linux ServerName 2.6.20-16-server #2 SMP Thu Aug 30 23:21:48 UTC 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with; or g.
Your MySQL connection id is 127344
Server version: 5.0.27-standard-log MySQL Community Edition – Standard (GPL)
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with; or g.
Your MySQL connection id is 37889
Server version: 5.0.38-Ubuntu_0ubuntu1-log Ubuntu 7.04 distribution
SJA job describtion:
host userpass3306dbname
localhost userpass3306dbname
TEST case:
As a test I've tried to do a SJA job, at my localhost (source=target) and nothing happens:
– the SJA.LOG is empty: “Sync started at Tue Oct 9 15:06:23 2007” – nothing more than that.
– the SJASESSION.XML has this info: ““
Can I call SJA in debug or some kind of verbose log mode?
With help from a more (than me) decent Linux admin, we managed to debug the problem (used gdb to debug) and it seems that SJA is looking for the MySQL socket in the wrong location.
This is how my MySQL is configured (/etc/mysql/my.cnf):