I have a prospective client whom I want to move from PostNuke to Joomla.
Is there a way that I could package up the mappings, etc. into something that another SQLYog user could easily apply?, to either sell or offer back to the Community…
I am sorry, but I do not have the slightest idea of what you are talking about!
Do not expect us to know everyone of *.10.000's applications for MySQL – like 'PostNuke' and 'Joomla'!
My best intuition tells me the answer that with the 'Migration Tool' you will be able to generate a job file that migrates one database to another and changes mapping/column definitions accordingly!
Right…I definitely don't expect you to provide specific knowledge of every LAMP application, for sure 🙂
peterlaursen wrote on Nov 22 2007, 05:07 PM:
My best intuition tells me the answer that with the 'Migration Tool' you will be able to generate a job file that migrates one database to another and changes mapping/column definitions accordingly!
OK, and the JOB file, I can distribute? Anyone who wanted to use it would need a copy of SQLYog, of course 🙂
If I were near my own computer, I would have just checked it out in the software…thanks for the answers.
I think you should test as soon as possible with the software. If not the discussion will be rather abstract.
Now, I would assume that the table-structure of the two apps are so much different that data from more than one table onwill have to go into every table. So you will need the option to 'specify a query' from the first screen of the migration wizard.
like “select tab1.a as new1, tab1.b as new2, tab2.x as new3, tab2.y as new4 from tab1, tab2”
Also you will be able to use 'notifications service' to execute a maitenaince query after the import