By default MONyog runs as root on Linux. This can easily be changed so it runs as an unprivileged user.
First add a new user and group replace with the group id and replace ,
# groupadd monyog
# useradd -g -p monyog
Copy the original files to the new location and change the file ownership.
# cp -r /usr/local/MONyog /home/monyog
# chown -R monyog:monyog /home/monyog
Before we change the init script make a backup.
# cp /etc/init.d/MONyogd /etc/init.d/MONyogd.orig
# vi /etc/init.d/MONyogd
Change the following lines for the new path.
Also you need to update the start command to the following.
# Start MONyog.
action “`su – monyog -c “$MONYOGBIN -s”`” /bin/true
Now you need to alter the configuration file.
# vi /home/monyog/MONyog.ini
Change the data path to the new directory.
After this you should be able to start MONyog running as an unprivileged user.
# service MONyog start
Michael Persson