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Re-start executing querys stored in a sql batch fl

forums forums SQLyog Using SQLyog Re-start executing querys stored in a sql batch fl

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    • #9021

      Is there any way to restart the processe from the place where it have stoped?

      I need to load a data base of 260 megas and I m running it from my house.

      But I process have stoped almost near the end and I had to restart it from zero.

      I was not able to run it from where it have stoped?

      It what possible or when I have this kind of problem I ll need to do it from zero?

      Best Regards,

      Cassiano Sanches

    • #18012

      No. There is no way to re-start an import process. 🙁

    • #18013

      With an dump-file as big as that I would divide it into pieces using a text-editor.

      You also could query the remote database to find out which record was the last one succesfylly imported. Then delete the lines in the dump-file corresponding to the data successfully imported and start over again with the new file containing only un-imported data.

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