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Program crash during ODBC import

forums forums SQLyog Sync tools, Migration, Scheduled Backup and Notifications Program crash during ODBC import

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    • #8316

      I created an ODBC File DSN to an Access database. I wanted to import a table to my empty MySQL database. The ODBC connected ok and I selected copy tables from data source. I was presented with a list of tables to select. The moment I click on one particular table in the list the program crashes with a page fault in SQLYOG.EXE.

      The table has 17000 entries and has a single primary key and 27 columns. Even if the table is empty it crashes. Any ideas where to look?

      SQLyog 3.63 on Win98SE with Access 2000

    • #15444

      Can you send me a backup of the database (specifically the errorneous table)?

    • #15445

      Try the opposite way around.

      Create empty table(s) in the database that your ODBC-thread works with.

      From Access choose file .. export .. ODBC-database..your MySQL database. Afterwards you can adjust field names, field length and type if necessary using SQLYOG.

      It has always worked for me with Access2000 and every version of MySQL and SQLYOG, that i've tried.

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