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Problem Modifying Userpasswords

forums forums SQLyog Using SQLyog Problem Modifying Userpasswords

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    • #9783

      After upgrading to mysql 5 yog is no longer able to handle passwords for some reason.

      If I try to use YOG to modify an existing users password it modifies soemthing but the new password doesn't work

      Here is what happens. I just created a new account called

      test and assigned a password to it. The password doesn't work. When I check the mysql.users

      here's the password hash


      The hash SHOULD be:


      Atleast, it should be based on the fact that this is the password hash from another db that has the same password. This is a huge problem for me because I can no longer create users and access them without editing the users table and deleting the password or making my own hash and pasting that in there.

      For another test, I just tried changing… well setting the password on an account that had no password.

      lets call this user test2 I set the password to qwerty123 and this is the hash I got


      Please help.

      Thanks :/

    • #22054
      here's the password hash


      The hash SHOULD be:


      The hashing method/algorith changed with MySQL 4.1. The first way is correct for 4.1 mysql and higher.

      it modifies soemthing but the new password doesn't work

      With what client does it not work? Do you get any error messages (why will we always have to ask this question?) ?

      does this help?



      Are you sure that you did run the update scripts after upgrading? How did you upgrade? Did you just copy the /datadir?

    • #22055
      peterlaursen wrote on Jul 31 2006, 01:06 PM:
      The hashing method/algorith changed with MySQL 4.1. The first way is correct for 4.1 mysql and higher.

      With what client does it not work? Do you get any error messages (why will we always have to ask this question?)

      does this help?



      Are you sure that you did run the update scripts after upgrading? How did you upgrade? Did you just copy the /datadir?

      (this post is takin me a while to type as I'm at work/multi tasking so I'm revising my answers along the way heh)

      I am using sqlyog 5.15 on my server but I was trying to test the password with an older version of phpmyadmin and a CMS I am trying to install (Joomla) so that's mybad. I just downloaded the latest yog on this pc and it is indeed working fine.

      phpmyadmin gives me the client error, joomla just says invalid password but that's probably just a user friendly error.

      As per my upgrade method, yes unfortunately I was ill advised by some people in an IRC channel so I did copy the data folder. I hired someone to fix the data corruption and finish repair the install.

      So, in retrospect I suppose everything is working properly, just that phpmyadmin (older version) and my CMS/Forums can't handle the new passwords.

      Atleast I know the cause and I can start harrassing them to get with the program. In the meantime I'll just need to use old passwords.


    • #22056

      It will do no harm to run the 'mysql_fix_privilege_tables.sql' script! And I think you should in case that the people that you hired did not. You will get into big problems with SP's and VIEWS in particular if the grant tables has not been updated!

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