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PHP Tunnelling to ISP

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests PHP Tunnelling to ISP

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    • #8487

      Hi, I really like Webyog and would like to use it as my preferred MySQL GUI. However it has 1 function that really would allow easy access to my ISP hosted database since they don't allow me direct access. The ability if the ISP prohibits external access to the database, use a PHP tunnel to still access the database.

      Your competitor has this function whereby they use one small script is to be installed on the publishing website. Login-information and passwords are stored on the harddisk, there is no need to log in on different webinterfaces.

      Currently to use Webyog I have to export my data from phpMyAdmin and import it into my localserver. I believe your product is far superior to the competitors but lacks this one feature that would make direct usage far easier.


    • #16051

      Tunneling SQLyog through PHP is not that easy since they do not use the same protocol, PHP uses HTTP, while SQLyog uses MySql's own protocol. A new modul should be built that would translate the requests to http and then interpret the answers. You should try using ssh or any other available tunneling app instead of asking for a HTTP conversion tool!

    • #16052

      We are developing a HTTP/PHP tunneling bridge. You should be able to see the first cut in the next 6-8 weeks!

    • #16053

      Fantastic you've just made my day 😀

    • #16054

      I think you've made a few people's days with that one. Presently I'm considering developing a web-services solution to sync an in-house ERP and remote website. It seems silly since the databases only need to be synchronized once per day and in one direction. Navicat offers ssh tunneling but otherwise is no comparison. Hurry though, 6-8 weeks is a long time. We need this. Thanks again for a fantastic product.

    • #16055

      Sweet! So let's see the original post was made in the first week of the month… that means that there should be a module update sometime in the next three weeks hopefully!!! 🙂

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