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Odd Column Header Behavior

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Odd Column Header Behavior

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    • #10139

      I'm using 5.23b1 and find the column header sorting display to be odd – rather nonstandard from a Windows interface perspective.

      First, the arrows (triangles) point in the wrong direction for the sort order. Take a cue from Windows Explorer – the “large end down” arrow should mean _ascending_ order (smaller items at the top and larger items at the bottom, just like the triangle) and the inverse should be used for descending order (large to small).

      Also, I don't understand why there are three states to the display of column headers – ascending with arrow shown, descending with arrow, and then ascending with no arrow. The problem with the latter is that it's hard to tell which column is being used to sort. Always display the arrow (again, taking a cue from Windows Explorer) so that it's immediately apparent.

      Thanks. šŸ™‚

    • #23275

      1) No arrow means unsorted. Ā Data are displayed in the order that they were retrieved from MySQL.

      2) Arrow down means that it is sorted ascending and next click will sort descending

      3) Arrow upĀ meansĀ that it is sorted descendingĀ and next click will sort ascending

      .. actually I am in doubt myself what is most intuitive!

      Note:this sorting will only sort the SQLyog data buffer and not retrieve data from MySQL again.

      We will soon provide more advanced more advanced options:

      *multiple column sorting


      *sorting and filtering from the context menu of a cell

      and will keep this post in mind when coding it!

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