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ODBC Import problem

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests ODBC Import problem

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    • #8334

      I have a problem with ODBC import. Using the import wizard I select a User DSN and enter a username and password. I select Copy Tables and then Select-All and the program crashes: SQLYOG.EXE at 0167:004664ae

      By a slow process of elimination I have found that only two tables from my list crash the program. The simpler of the two tables is structured thus:

      Code, Text(5), Required, Indexed with dups allowed

      SourceMaterial, Text(12), Required, Indexed with dups allowed

      Weight, Single, Percent, 3 dec places, Required, Not Indexed

      Any idea what the problem is? Even if I am trying the impossible the program should not crash but should offer a sensible error message.

    • #15486

      What is your source DB?

      Can you send us a backup of the tables?

    • #15487

      Do the table names contain characters that are considered illegal in MySql? (A dot /'.'/ for example)

    • #15488

      The table is called SpecificationComponents and all field names are plain text no odd characters or spaces.

      The field size of the weight is single precision which I assume maps ok to MySQL.

      I have attached a stripped down database (zipped) that only includes the problem tables. They were created in Access 2000. If you open it using Access then ignore any reference to the switchboard it is not required.

    • #15489

      We were able to import the database without any problem using the ODBC Import Wizard. We have Office XP and SQLyog 3.64.

      Is SQLyog crashing when you are importing empty table(s)?

      Which version of MySQL are you using?

    • #15490

      I am using Win98SE and Access2000.

      IThe problem is with MySQL 4.1.1a which I have been using for a while with no other problems. I installed a copy of 4.015 on another machine to test and, guess what, it imports fine.

      So, the problem seems to be with the latest 4.1.1a release. As I now have sub-selects I do hope that this can be fixed!

      SQLyog crashes the instant I click on the table selector check box. I have tried empty tables and non-empty tables and the result is the same.

    • #15491

      Thanks for the info.

      I will work on it and revert back soon.

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