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    • #7673

      I am new in this version; the first impression is very good. But in compare with other utilities there are some difficulties.

      1) The SQL editor haven't the capability to import a sql script. Now there is only the possibility to run a command without to see it before execute, or write a command and save it. (see Mysql front )

      2) foreign key; Perfect to insert a new foreign key. But if I try to remove it I receive, before a message (confirm a drop relationschip) and after an error 1005 (can't create table c:winnttemp#slq290_1_3.frm (err.140). Note that there are all the permission in c:winnt folder. In the history windowd appear:


      Error No. 1005

      Can't create table 'C:WINNTTEMP#sql290_1_3.frm' (errno: 140)


      [08.08.31][ 20 ms] create temporary table if not exists `omt`.`sqlyog_1571` ( `Lotto` char(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , `Indice` char(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , `NMisura` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , `Misura` double NULL , `TolMin` double NULL , `TolMax` double NULL , `Seq` char(4) NULL , `Macchina` char(8) NULL , `Operazione` char(3) NULL , `Matricola` char(8) NULL , `IdaReg` datetime NULL , `IdaVar` datetime NULL , `UserReg` char(30) NULL , `UserVar` char(30) NULL , `WStatReg` char(30) NULL , `WStatVar` char(30) NULL , `LIFEBELT` timestamp(14) NULL , primary key ( Lotto, Indice, NMisura ) ,FULLTEXT KEY `Matricola` ( `Matricola`, `IdaReg` ))

      3) There is a editor for my.ini file ?



    • #13690
      The SQL editor haven't the capability to import a sql script. Now there is only the possibility to run a command without to see it before execute, or write a command and save it. (see Mysql front )

      You can open a SQL Script file in the editor, by using File->Open…

      If you want to execute a big SQL file as a batch file then use Tools->Execute Batch File…

      foreign key; Perfect to insert a new foreign key. But if I try to remove it I receive, before a message (confirm a drop relationschip) and after an error 1005 (can't create table c:winnttemp#slq290_1_3.frm (err.140). Note that there are all the permission in c:winnt folder. In the history windowd appear:

      Have you configured your MySQL server to be able to create temporary table? SQLyog is giving an error, because MySQL was not able to create the temporary table, which SQLyog needs for proper duplication of data.

      3) There is a editor for my.ini file ?

      Why you need that?

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