Hello, I'm really new to both, MySQL and Fronts ends, but as I was trying both, I just get involved on the fully funtional of MySQL and some of the available Fronts to try.
Finally I really like more 😀 SQLyog easy to use and fully descriptive of all MySQL details: really usefull especially if you are trying to get the bug on the code.
Afer all, the only hard 😡 to try with was with the code source, when I was trying to deal with MySQL replys errors. It is really hard 😡 to get were is exactly the line with the bug, just in this features, is more usefull 😀 on MySQL – Front SQL editor over the MySQLyog SQL editor, because, MySQL – Front SQL editor add numbers 🙂 to each line of the code to the editor, and this features I could not find it 🙁 on the others fronts.