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Mysql Sync And Bulk Inserts

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    • #11889
      Drin Brown


      When I use SQLYog to sync between two databases, it fails on the three largest tables. I have the max packet to 64mb and it still fails. If instead of syncing I do a dump and restore, as long as I uncheck “bulk inserts” it goes okay. With bulk inserts it fails. I checked the output of a synchronization script and it seems to be using bulk inserts. I cannot find an option to change this, is there anything I can do?

    • #30530


      Please reply with following details

      – What is the SQLyog version you are using?

      – How are you connecting to servers (direct, ssh or Http)?

      – Are these 3 tables always failing? and what is the error you get (you can check the sja.log)

      – Ok your target server's 'max_packet is 64mb', what about source server (if that is less than the target server's it can fail)?

      – Please tell do you have any blob, text columns for tables those are failed? and what is the maximum size of that column.

      You can execute this query to find that:

      SELECT MAX(LENGTH(blob_column)) FROM table_name

      With bulk inserts it fails. I checked the output of a synchronization script and it seems to be using bulk inserts. I cannot find an option to change this, is there anything I can do

      If target table is empty Data-sync use bulk insert, and currently there's no option to change this.

      One workaround is add a row manually to target table and do Data sync(then it wont do bulk insert). Can you verify this?

      Thank you


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