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My The Error

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    • #12375

      I had sqlyog 5.2 working fine. and I could run the run mysql database backup command.

      I lost my databases on my pc (localhost) but reconstructed them by (a) creating a database with no tables on the local host then copying the database with tables down from a remote server where my working db/tables are kept

      since then I cannot run the mysql backup command without getting an error stating error 1064 syntax error

      I attach the screen shot

      any suggestions please

    • #32397

      The 'backup command' is not supported by recent MySQL servers. It has not been for many years. I think it was removed in MySQL 4.0 6-7 years ago. Accordingly we have removed it from SQLyog as well. It also never worked with InnoDB. It simply copied Isam/MyISAM tablespaces.

      You are executing a command and you get a server error. Then the problem is with the command and not the client. Any SQLyog version and any other client would face the same problem. You have probably also switched to a more recent server than what you had before and that is why you get there error?

      You should generate a SQL-dump instead.

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