I'd like to be able to select multiple files in file selector dialogs like the Open file ones (same tab or new one). In the Open File in Same Tab case, the “same tab” part would only apply to one of the files selected, of course, but this would still be perfectly functional and potentially useful.
This is often as simple to implement as passing a different constant to the GUI toolkit function and wrapping some return value parsing code in a for-loop. C'mon; it'll take 10 mins. 😉 😀
There may be other file selection dialogs around the program where this would be nice, too, but I didn't see any in a quick search. (Watch–I'll probably find another within 10 mins of clicking post. :roll:) If anyone else comes across any other dialogs in which accepting multiple files would make sense, go ahead and add them to this thread. We can get a list going. 🙂