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Is There A Way To Script Create Statments For Tables?

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Is There A Way To Script Create Statments For Tables?

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    • #10514

      Is there a way to script create statments for tables? (I use this a lot for creating temp tables, I find myself opening mysql query tool) I could just not be seeing it though.

      (Love the product so far)



    • #24789

      I am not sure I understand '.. script create statements for tables'.

      You can of course enter SQL yourself in the editor (instead of using the GUI functionalities), but I rather think you would use a script using 'symbolics' or 'placeholders' for the real table and column names – and possibly even use conditional statements and loops/repetetive statements. Do I understand correct?

      There is no scripting engine/interpreter or whatever of the kind in SQLyog.

      Do you have any idea of what kind of script language would be appropriate?

    • #24790
      rvps wrote on Aug 31 2007, 05:40 AM:
      Is there a way to script create statments for tables? (I use this a lot for creating temp tables, I find myself opening mysql query tool) I could just not be seeing it though.

      (Love the product so far)



      I think I understand… you want to get the “CREATE TABLE” statement used to make a table so that you can re-use it to make an equivalent temp table with the same datatypes?

      The easiest way I've found to do that is to select the table that you want, then in the results pane, tab across to the 'Objects' tab, and then scroll down a bit to the DDL information section.. The CREATE statement is nicely listed there for you to copy.

    • #24791

      Thats exactly what I was looking for.


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