I've not figured this out from the documentation. I've a php-mysql application, that we are looking to load-balance, and fail support, by have 3 copies of the database running in different locations etc.
The for example, we will either round-robin the databases for balancing, or have a primary, and then secondary which in sync should comms timeout.
Can someone explain the 2-way update ? i.e our application is recording internet traffic details. So in a single database world you would see
insert into traffic (user,bytes) values (1,0)
update traffic
set bytes=bytes+10
where user=1
update traffic
set bytes=bytes+20
where user=1
giving bytes = 30
now in a multi database world, each statement might go to either server, but we would like each server to have the value of 30 when they are both available. i.e server 1 gets 1 and 3, server 2 gets 2…
Will server 2 update fail as it has missed the insert ?