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How To Refresh Table Tree?

forums forums SQLyog Using SQLyog How To Refresh Table Tree?

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    • #10054

      If I have SqlYog open with my database, and I create a new table from another program, the new table won't of course appear in the table tree. How do I refresh the tree so the new table is included without re-opening the program? I looked around and couldn't find a refresh (F5) menu.



    • #22997

      There is a refresh option in the 'edit' menu.

      The corresponding icon is the 'recycle' icon.

      To refresh the list of databases first select the most upper level (the connection) and refresh.

      To refresh the list of tables in a database first select the the database and refresh.

    • #22998
      peterlaursen wrote on Nov 26 2006, 11:23 PM:
      There is a refresh option in the 'edit' menu.

      The corresponding icon is the 'recycle' icon.

      To refresh the list of databases first select the most upper level (the connection) and refresh.

      To refresh the list of tables in a database first select the the database and refresh.

      I found it (F9) thanks. It might have been more obvious if F5 was used to refresh instead of F9.

      Suggestion: It would be nice to link to MySQL's documentation for SQL syntax from the toolbar (or help menu). Quite often I need to refer to SQL manual and a link would speed things up.

      I'm really getting to like SQLyog. I've used another MySQL mgr for years but SQLyog is starting to grow on me. 😉


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