First of all: Great Work! I use SQLYog as far as it goes, and I'm happy about that! Free and really good!
But there are two criterias, if this could be developed, i would donate, kiss your ass and more! 😛
Well, I use EMS MySQL Manager mainly for the grahical Structure of Foreign Keys (like in MS-Access), and this is actually what you need, if you have relational databases with more than 60 tables….
Why not a graphical Designer for that?
For all interested: Check out SQL Porter MS-Access to MySQL to see a perfect tool, which can import all Access-related stuff as Tables, Data,INDEXES AND FOREIGN KEYS – Perfect not? Now take a look at: Pricing and tell me you started crying…. $1,599.00 Please, deer SQLyog-developers….. Could you help me???
If there's need of development…. I'll do whatever is needed in development….. 🙂