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Feature Request

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    • #9595

      Regardless of whether or not all the actual actions are saved, it'd be great to have the ability to save action/history logs to a file, rather than have it removed after the program is exited.

      If I'm mistaken, and there's a setting I can set inside the program, that'd be great…

      I've had a problem recently with our SQL database where the data was lost, and I can't remember, recall, or even vaguely figure out how the data was lost. We have backup tapes, but I don't know WHEN the data was lost, exactly… Having a log (such as how FTP programs log all history) to look back at would be wonderful.

      …I don't think MySQL has transaction logs being recorded by default, nor do I know how to turn it on, so having this in my SQL GUI of choice would be great.

    • #21164

      The option to save or 'spool' HISTORY to a file (and open it in HISTORY next time SQLyog is started) has been requsted before. By me-myself too! 🙂

      Quite a few programs have an option to set the logfile size. When a new entry is added the oldest is removed. WINDOWS own system logging does this. Symantec AV program and others do.

      With the MySQL Server you can enable binary logging if you have privilege to access the configuration. simply add “bin-log” to the configuration file. It will record any operation just like a tape recorder (of all users and all connections). There is a tool available from MySQL that lets you convert the binary log to a plain text file. There is a 'whitepaper' on that from http://www.mysql.com.

      I think with MySQL 5.1 you will also be able to save the binlog in database itself. Did not have the time to research into that yet …

    • #21165

      bin-log creates which logging type? I just opened up my MySQL “Developers Library” book and started looking at the backup/transaction logging types…

      I've found –log-bin which is the binary log.

      I'm not seeing the explicit command for the binary update log…are they one in the same?

      –log is the general log file.

      The configuration file is the my.conf file, correct?

      …back on topic, I still think this feature would be great. 😀

    • #21166

      I am sorry and you were right. 🙁

      Add 'log_bin' to the [mysqld] section of my.ini/my.cnf or start the server with '– log-bin' option from shell. It is the same.

      Yes, I would like the option to save or rather 'spool' HISTORY too. If you occasionally close the program (or if it crashes), you will lose HISTORY as of now. But I don't think it is very easy to implement now – that should have been 'concepted' like that from the beginning.

      And I then would also repeat the requests that:

      1) a semicolon is added to each line of HISTORY

      2) there should be an option not to write the TIME information.

    • #21167

      Added for v5.2 in our TO-DO list.

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