Hi there,
some of our big MyISAM tables get locked for a longer period of time (up to several minutes) because of some usual activity (eg. data loading).
If I try to access a database with a locked table, SQLyog sends “show table status from `database`” query and then waits until the table will be released. That means, nothing happens. SQLyog just “hangs”. I either have to wait or to kill the locked “show table status” query. After them, it's easily possible to work on the affected database as long I do not access the locked table directly. The only handicap is: I do not have some table info in the “Objects” tab, but who cares?..
If there a chance to get something like “Table Lock Proof Mode” which wouldn't use “show table status” at the first access to the database? Just a checkbox “don't read table status”. That would be very useful.
Thanks for readin',