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Executing The Sync Wizard Generated Xml File

forums forums SQLyog Sync tools, Migration, Scheduled Backup and Notifications Executing The Sync Wizard Generated Xml File

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    • #12525

      The sync wizard is great. I now have saved the xml file for the job I want to run over and over during development (I upload changes frequently so my client can see them). It's just a bit irritating (and time consuming) to run through the wizard dialog boxes each time choosing the same defaults. Any way to run the XML from a command line, macro icon, or such outside of the wizard with one click?

    • #32895


      You can save and scheudle the job for Database synchronization

      Go to SQLyog ‘Powertools’ menu or from command line. Refer: http://webyog.com/faq/content/27/114/en/introduction-to-the-_sqlyog-job-agent_-sja.html

      To schedule the SJA file you need to choose “schedule” on the last screen of the powertool wizard(See attached images).

      Refer: http://webyog.com/faq/content/27/33/en/how-do-i-schedule-a-job.html

      Now the 'SJA scheduled task file' will have the argument to execute the SJA job file.

      You can manually execute the scheduled job file from SQLyog Powertools->Scheduled jobs(See attached images).



    • #32896

      You can run it from command line as well. Refer the first link in Sathish's post.

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