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Excel Friendly Export Of 4.2

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Excel Friendly Export Of 4.2

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    • #9220

      field-delimiter should be ; (semicolon) – not , (komma),

      First pic: komma used

      Second pic: semicolon used

    • #19158
      peterlaursen wrote on Sep 12 2005, 03:42 PM:
      field-delimiter should be ; (semicolon) –  not , (komma),

      First pic: komma used

      Second pic: semicolon used


      No, if that were so then the file format would be known as Semicolon Seperated Values instead of Comma Seperated Values.

      I use SQLYog to export data to Excel weekly withough issue as long as you tell Excel to import a CSV. I also use the copy to clipboard and paste into an excel spreadsheet and it works perfectly every time with a comma. The comma has been the field seperator default for many years and while you have found a condition where Microsoft accepts a non-standard seperator, it's no reason for the rest of us to change it.

      Also, SQLog gives you the option to change this to whatever you wish. So there's really no need to change the program.


    • #19159
      So there's really no need to change the program.

      Yes there is! If you use semicolon you simply doubleclick the file or drag-drop the file to the Excel program icon, and won't have to tell the program amything.

      We have had at least 5 questions in this forum where people were messing around with importing to Excel, nad as soon as they used semicolon they had no porblems.

      This is a special “Excel-friendly” feature. Then I think it should be Excel-friendly!

    • #19160

      BTW …

      Did you see the new “excel-friendly” feature of 4.2 Beta1.

      The program HAS BEEN changed already!

    • #19161

      And one thing more … (for Ritesh)

      I think there should be a button to “restore C-style” or what ever you may call it.

      I have tried myself to play around with this and really had trouble getting back to something reasonable! No doubt that CalEvans knows what is end-of string and end-of-cell end-of-line etc. encoding characters in various contexts, but we are a lot of people who don't!

      We need a GUI 😀

    • #19162

      Its funny but Excel requires two different set of SEPARATORS when you open a CSV file and when you copy-paste data from clipboard.

      SQLyog takes care of both of them accordingly. You will will just need to change the separators to proper format before exporting to a file or to clipboard.

      We give you best of both the worlds 🙂


    • #19163

      Well, then the program should optimally know if it is an export to this or that and adjust correspondingly!

      I exported to a .csv with my example.

    • #19164

      You will have to click on Fill Excel Friendly Values button. Otherwise, it will have the last used values.

    • #19165

      Nope … it does not work that way!

      When choosing “fill Excel-friendly values”

      when csv is chosen it fills komma as seperator (where semicolon would be a better choice)

      when clipboard is chosen it fills 't' (would probably mean TAB, and that may be OK)

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