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Duplicate Table Doesn't Create Index!

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Duplicate Table Doesn't Create Index!

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    • #9949

      hi every1!

      I notice when i use the “Duplicate Table Structure / Data”, the copy table doesn't have the same index

      from the original, except by the primary (unique, auto increment).

      May this option create the index too? =)




      test on 5.2Beta5 : fixed !!!

      btw, i can't reproduce next cases;

    • #22734

      .. ah, one more thing:

      The copy table dun got the same structure as original (see attach pict) 🙁


      hell, i got another!!

      On the last pict, we have the “Alter table” window of the copy table.

      So, if u try to change the default value of the “AutoSequencial” Field (who's supose to be auto inc,

      but its not showed like it), we have a crash!

      Follow the crash log, generated by inspectr (http://www.opera.com/support/search/supsearch.dml?index=432)


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