I have a problem and am looking for a solutions.
We have a client who is running a web application on a server and usng a MySQL DB there.
They also have a need to look at the data using MS-Access to create a couple of reports.
To make things easy for them we have made a local copy of their database on a server in their office and use the SQL Job system to syncronsie the data from the Web server to the Local system.. This was done because it took ages to sort and manipluate te data over the internet using ODBC.
This work very well.
However – we DO have a problem.. The Web application is continually evolving and when a DB schema change happens – the Auto update stops until we either send in a copy of the Alter SQL for the local system and get them to use SQLYog (and that IS dangerous), or do a personal visit.
Can you suggest a way that the SQL job system could check and update the schema from the Web machine to the Local machine before performing an update.
If this was to happen it will greatly reduce the problems that we have of repeat visits etc.
Many Thanks