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Cyrilic Data In Data Viewer

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Cyrilic Data In Data Viewer

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    • #9918


      I'm looking for perfect MySQL client for my work. SQLyog is a realy nice tool but i have a little problem with russan words in data and SQL editor.

      Can you help me with it? Or, if not, when can i complain of problem checking? And can i?

      Thank you.

    • #22550

      From tools .. preferences .. editor you must choose a font that has support for cyricllic. And choose the cyrillic script in the dropdown too.

      We have added more fonts controls in 5.2. Expect beta5 today or tomorrow.


      We have a FAQ:


      If data are stored as uft8 or ucs2 and you have an English Windows localisation you must choose a non-unicode russian charset in the connectisons manager and select russian a default for non-unicode programs.

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