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Creating Triggers

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Creating Triggers

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    • #12045

      I believe it is simple question … when you know the answer.

      I want to create trigger.

      I Choose “Add trigger”. I get a template. I work it out.

      And now I want to save it.

      But HOW???


      Got it.

      Had to execute it as query….

    • #31125

      You have built a CREATE TRIGGER statement.  So to create the trigger you will need to execute the CREATE TRIGGER statement and possible other helper statements' on the same tab – for instance by clicking the '>>' icon.  

      Building a string (and s SQL statement is just a string) client-side does not change anything server-side.  Only when the client sends the statement the server will execute it. Also if you write a SELECT statement it will need to be executed (typing in the client does nothing – except building a string).  It is exactly the same.

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