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Could Not Connect To Tunneling Url During Backup

forums forums SQLyog Using SQLyog Could Not Connect To Tunneling Url During Backup

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    • #12625

      I've just upgraded to the latest version of SQLYog (9.6.3) because during backups some of the tables receive the Could Not Connect error. The upgrade did not resolve the issue. The version of mysql is 5.0 and the tables that don't backup aren't the same each time. This has been going on for months now. I've tried doing a search but none of the topics seem on point and the search engine can't filter to the specific issue (words too short, etc.).

      I have other database connections that work just fine. The text of the errors is below:

      Scheduled export started at: Fri Mar 23 13:12:52 2012

      Exporting Database avvpmysql…

      Exporting table ParadeEntries…Export successful…

      Exporting table Vendors…Export successful…

      Exporting table kfm_directories…Export successful…

      Exporting table kfm_files…Export successful…

      Exporting table kfm_files_images…Export successful…

      Exporting table kfm_files_images_thumbs…Export successful…

      Exporting table kfm_parameters…Export successful…

      Exporting table kfm_plugin_extensions…Export successful…

      Exporting table kfm_session…Export successful…

      Exporting table kfm_session_vars…Export successful…

      Exporting table kfm_settings…Export successful…

      Exporting table kfm_tagged_files…Export successful…

      Exporting table kfm_tags…Export successful…

      Exporting table kfm_translations…Export successful…

      Exporting table kfm_users…Export successful…

      Exporting table ps4_categories…Export successful…

      Exporting table ps4_contenthistory…Export successful…

      Exporting table ps4_contents…Export successful…

      Exporting table ps4_countries…Export successful…

      Exporting table ps4_couponproducts…Export successful…

      Exporting table ps4_coupons…Export successful…

      Exporting table ps4_digitalgoods…Export successful…

      Exporting table ps4_gallery…Export successful…

      Exporting table ps4_gallery_images…Export successful…

      Exporting table ps4_optiongroups…Export successful…

      Exporting table ps4_options…Export successful…

      Exporting table ps4_orderdetails…Export successful…

      Exporting table ps4_orders…Export successful…

      Exporting table ps4_productcategories…Export successful…

      Exporting table ps4_productoptions…Export successful…

      Exporting table ps4_products…HTTP Error. Could not connect to the tunneling URL.

      Exporting table ps4_regions…HTTP Error. Could not connect to the tunneling URL.

      Exporting table ps4_shippingoptions…HTTP Error. Could not connect to the tunneling URL.

      Exporting table ps4_shippingproviders…Export successful…

      Exporting table ps4_shippingrates…Export successful…

      Exporting table ps4_shippingtypes…Export successful…

      Exporting table ps4_simpleoptions…Export successful…

      Exporting table ps4_taxes…Export successful…

      Exporting table ps4_usergroups…Export successful…

      Exporting table ps4_users…Export successful…

      Exporting table states…Export successful…

      Exporting table tblBands…Export successful…

      Exporting table tblColorGuard…Export successful…

      Exporting table tblDrillTeams…Export successful…

      Exporting table tblDrumMajor…Export successful…

      Exporting table tblEquestrian…Export successful…

      Exporting table tblFloats…Export successful…

      Exporting table tblIDUnits…Export successful…

      Exporting table tblMajorettes…Export successful…

      Exporting table tblMisc…Export successful…

      Exporting table tblPercussion…Export successful…

      Exporting table tblPmt…Export successful…

      Exporting table tblROTC…Export successful…

      Exporting table tblStates…Export successful…

      Exporting table tblTallFlags…Export successful…

      Exporting table tblVolunteers…Export successful…

      Exporting table tblVolunteers_2010…Export successful…

      Exporting table tbl_AVVPAds…Export successful…

      Exporting table tbl_AVVPBooth…Export successful…

      Exporting table tbl_AVVPSponsorReg…Export successful…

      Exporting table tbl_AVVPSponsorReg_2010…Export successful…

      Exporting table tbl_AVVPSponsorTypes…Export successful…

      Exporting table tbl_EntReg…HTTP Error. Could not connect to the tunneling URL.

      Exporting table tbl_EntType…HTTP Error. Could not connect to the tunneling URL.

      Exporting table tbl_Events…HTTP Error. Could not connect to the tunneling URL.

      Exporting table tbl_Lincoln…Export successful…

      Exporting table tbl_SponsorTracking…Export successful…

      Exporting table tbl_SponsorTracking_copy…Export successful…

      Exporting table wa_settings…Export successful…

      Exporting view BoothVendors…

      Export successful…

      Exporting view Sponsors…

      Export successful…

      Exporting view UnpaidBooths…

      Export successful…

      Exporting view UnpaidSponsors…

      Export successful…

      Exporting view vCurYearVolunteers…

      Export successful…

      Exporting view vFollowup…

      Export successful…

      Exporting view vParadeEntries…

      Export successful…

      Export successful…

      Export job was unsuccessful.

    • #33218

      It looks mostly like an 'over-burdened webserver' (“This has been going on for months now” indicates this, I think. Traffic to the server has increased lately and has exceeded what the server can reliableyhandle). It could also be a conenctivity error (but I doubt).  

      Is it the same tables that fail to backup every time? I doubt so. To me it looks more relevant to complain to the hosting than to us.

      Please try this simple tests: connect ot the tunneller from a browser: When successfull refresh. Are you able to refresh around 100 times without getting a 'Not Found' error or similar? (you may need to turn off the browser cache).

    • #33219

      Actually, I was able to connect without issue over 200 times. Any other ideas?

    • #33220

      I've also observed that for the last 2 weeks (I back up nightly), the backup has broken at the same place for each of the 2 databases that I'm having issues with. Different places for each but the same place individually.

      Since it's not an overburdened server, could I get some help here? Thanks.

      'peterlaursen' wrote:

      It looks mostly like an 'over-burdened webserver' (“This has been going on for months now” indicates this, I think. Traffic to the server has increased lately and has exceeded what the server can reliableyhandle). It could also be a conenctivity error (but I doubt).  

      Is it the same tables that fail to backup every time? I doubt so. To me it looks more relevant to complain to the hosting than to us.

      Please try this simple tests: connect ot the tunneller from a browser: When successfull refresh. Are you able to refresh around 100 times without getting a 'Not Found' error or similar? (you may need to turn off the browser cache).

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