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Cjk Characters (chinese, Japanese, Korean)

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Cjk Characters (chinese, Japanese, Korean)

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    • #9960

      How can I display CJK characters in the Editor and View Data with SQLyog Enterprise Version 5.2 Beta 5 .

      I have selected UTF8 as my charset when I connect and am using HTTP tunnelling which is working well.

      The database is set as Latin1 by my ISP and I cannot change it. The MySQL Version is 4.0.24-nt-max-log according to phpMyAdmin on their server. I can see the CJK characters through phpMyAdmin but not SQLyog.

    • #22773
      I have selected UTF8 as my charset when I connect and am using HTTP tunnelling which is working well.

      The database is set as Latin1 by my ISP and I cannot change it. The MySQL Version is 4.0.24-nt-max-log according to phpMyAdmin on their server. I can see the CJK characters through phpMyAdmin but not SQLyog.

      1) UTF8 charset is NOT supported by MySQL 4.0! Of course

      2) You should choose 'sjis' or 'big5' etc. (a multibyte NON-unicode charset) in the connections manager with those charsets. Read: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/cha…asian-sets.html

      3) Please start reading this FAQ: http://webyog.com/faq/34_102_en.html

      4) It is always a good idea to provide some sample data, screenshots, etc.

      5) I cannot tell what PMA is doing. Actually it might store your data wrong and 'reverse' the error when reading them. Or put another way: It might have a built-in encoding of its own that is not standard MySQL. This “… Latin1 by my ISP and I cannot change it” could indicate it!. With MySQL 4.0.x the only UNICODE option is UCS2. Alternatively there are the above mentioned NON-unicode (old) CJK-implementations. To see how data actually are store you will have to dump a few data (a table with a few columns and rows) and inspect them in a HEX-editor. One thin is sure: MySQL itself does not support CJK-languages with Latin1 !!!

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