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Case Insensitive Autocomplete

forums forums SQLyog Using SQLyog Case Insensitive Autocomplete

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    • #11832

      I just finished upgrading to 8.21 Ultimate and now my autocomplete of tables and columns seems to be case sensitive. Is there a new setting for this that I'm not seeing or is this even the desired behavior?


    • #30342

      I do not remember that we changed anything here.  What was your old version and are you perfectly sure that the behavior differs?  Anyway we will check this ourselves of course.

      1) Keywords and built-in functions should always be case-insensitive.

      2) Identifiers are more complex:

      –> databases' and tables' case sensitivity depends on the setting of 'lower_case_table_names' variable. On Windows they are always case-insensitive. On Linux and most Unix'es both are possible but case sensitive is normal and default. On Mac the same as Windows with the default file system, but there is an option to install Mac on a case-sensitive file system and in that case Mac is like Linux 

      –> triggers are case insensitive on Windows and Mac with default file system and case sensitive on Linux and on Mac with case non-sensitive file system.  This cannot be changed on any OS.

      –> all other indentifiers are always case insensitive on all platforms

      .. so ideally autocomplete should detect all details of this and perform accordingly. 

    • #30343

      Also you can see the screen shot attached, Its case insensitive in version 8.21

      Please explain the issue in detail.

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