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Cannot Scroll To Rightmost Column In Result Pane

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Cannot Scroll To Rightmost Column In Result Pane

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    • #10508

      (Community v6.05) If the Object Browser pane is a certain width, the Result pane cuts off the right-most data column when I use the right-arrow cursor to scroll to the end of the row. This does not happen using the End cursor key, and it does not happen using the scrollbar. Also, if I use the splitter bar to make the Object Browser pane wider or narrower, the right-most column is fully displayed. The problem happens only when the Object Browser pane is a certain width, but for very narrow right-most columns in the Result pane, they may not display at all.

      I think it is related to both Object Browser pane width and application window width (wider app window makes the problem show up).

    • #24758

      OK .. one more issue with scroll.

      We know we have such issues. We plan to fix each and everyone in 6.2. The reason for this 'delay' is that we plan to introduce FORMs here – and that will make use of a 'flipped' GRID. So FORMs and the scroll issues will most efficiently be done together.

      However let us se tomorrow if this particular issue is an easy fix. Then it will of course be done in 6.06 or 6.1.

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