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Cannot Create Pk/relationship In Mysql

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Cannot Create Pk/relationship In Mysql

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    • #10141


      When I tried to create PK/Relationship using SQLyog I always get the error 1216 “Cannot Add or Update a Child row: foreign key constraint fails”.



    • #23277

      This is sprobably because the tables contain data.  And the FK you define are conflicting with the data!


      If 'child' (table `orders') has a column CustomerId pointing to the ID column of 'parent' (table `customers`) and if `customers`.`ID` holds the data '1','2','3' and '4' you cannot define a PK if `orders`.`CustomerId` hold other data than  '1','2','3' and '4'.

      A Foreing Key is a CONSTRAINT on data.  there can only be data in 'child' that are in 'parent' too.

      You could try starting with empty tables!

    • #23278
      peterlaursen wrote on Jan 21 2007, 09:34 PM:
      This is sprobably because the tables contain data.  And the FK you define are conflicting with the data!


      If 'child' (table `orders') has a column CustomerId pointing to the ID column of 'parent' (table `customers`) and if `customers`.`ID` holds the data '1','2','3' and '4' you cannot define a PK if `orders`.`CustomerId` hold other data than  '1','2','3' and '4'.

      A Foreing Key is a CONSTRAINT on data.  there can only be data in 'child' that are in 'parent' too.

      You could try starting with empty tables!

      Hi Pete,

      Thanks for the reply I tried what you have said, I even tried having the fields Null and Not Null “all fields are empty” but still I'm getting this problems.


    • #23279

      let us se a structure-only dump for the tables and the SQL (from history) what you are trying to do and/or a screendump.

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