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[Bug] View Copied Over From Database As Table

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests [Bug] View Copied Over From Database As Table

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    • #11960

      SQLyog Community Edition version: 8.4

      Source mysql server: 5.0.67-log (win2k3 server)

      Target mysql server: 5.1.37-1ubuntu5.1 (ubuntu)

      So I create an empty database at the target mysql server.

      Then I right click the database I want to copy on the source mysql server and choose “Copy Database to Different Host/Server…”.

      * I let all Object(s) be ticked

      * I choose structure and data

      * I choose Drop if exists in target

      * in the dropdown I select the empty database on the target mysql server.

      The result is a query which never finishes, it locks at views. So I CTRL ALT DELETE and shut off SQLyog.

      Then when I fire up SQLyog again and check the target database, the tables and stored procedures are all there like they should be.

      However, the views are empty, they are made in the Tables folder instead. Does anyone know why?

    • #30813

      We are checking this.

    • #30814

      Is is not reproducible.  It looks like an issue with your server.  Could you try to copy with a similar test case in the other direction once? Also check if you dump fromand import to will that work OK?

      However there may be a bug only materializing with a specific structure.  So a structure-only dump of your exact case would be nice (create a support ticket if you do not want to post it  here).

      Also if server general log is enabled on can you tell the last statement recorded here?

    • #30815
      'peterlaursen' wrote on '06:

      Is is not reproducible.  It looks like an issue with your server.  Could you try to copy with a similar test case in the other direction once? Also check if you dump fromand import to will that work OK?

      However there may be a bug only materializing with a specific structure.  So a structure-only dump of your exact case would be nice (create a support ticket if you do not want to post it  here).

      Also if server general log is enabled on can you tell the last statement recorded here?

      I don't think I'll be able to provide the actual database in question as it contains alot of valuable data, but I can try to do a copy on the same server.

      Another question: Why do I get:

      SELECT command denied to user 'theUser'@'my.ip.add.ress' for table 'proc'

      I've clicked manage privilegies, selected theUser@% in the dropdown. Ticked all boxes (which should have a CTRL/ALT selection option for many) on the main top window. selected procedure/function and ticked every single box there.

    • #30816

      I did not ask for data.  I asked for a structure-only dump.

    • #30817

      As regards the error “SELECT command denied to user 'theUser'@'my.ip.add.ress' for table 'proc'” read this FAQ:


    • #30818
      'peterlaursen' wrote on '06:

      I did not ask for data.  I asked for a structure-only dump.

      That I can fix however 😉

    • #30819


      Also Please verify few more things.

      – In copy database dialog will you able to expand 'Views' folder?

      – Execute this query against source database and tell the status:

      show full tables from `database_name` where Table_type = 'view'



    • #30820
      'nithin' wrote on '06:


      Also Please verify few more things.

      – In copy database dialog will you able to expand 'Views' folder?

      – Execute this query against source database and tell the status:

      show full tables from `database_name` where Table_type = 'view'



      * yes I can see all the views there properly

      * The query you provided shows the views properly on the source. Tables_in_database_name and Table_type shows all the views properly and the type is VIEW.

      How do I deliver the SQL dump?

    • #30821

      Please create a support ticket from below link, and attach the dump there. If the dump is big we will give our 'yoursendit' credentials so you could attach the dump from there. (Also we may provide you some special binary to verify the problem)


      Thank you


    • #30822
      'nithin' wrote on '07:

      Please create a support ticket from below link, and attach the dump there. If the dump is big we will give our 'yoursendit' credentials so you could attach the dump from there. (Also we may provide you some special binary to verify the problem)


      Thank you




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