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Browsing Databases From Two Mysql Hosts

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Browsing Databases From Two Mysql Hosts

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    • #9177

      This is a minor thing but thought I'd post here to see if it's possible to do what I want. Otherwise consider it a feature request!

      The steps I take are as follows:

      I connect to my local mysql database, and as expected the databases/tables are shown in a tree outliner on the left-hand side.

      I then select “File” > “Connect” from the menu and connect to the mysql database on my webhosting account (via HTTP tunning, for what it's worth). I see the corresponding database/tables in the tree outliner on the left-hand side.

      However, I no longer see the databases/tables from my local mysql database in the tree outliner anymore.

      Apparently SQLyog uses a MDI interface and I can switch between local and remote mysql databases via the Windows menu option. Or I can tile the windows to bring everything into view simultaneously.

      Now what I would prefer is if all the databases and tables from all connections where shown in the same tree outliner.

      If this is possible then could someone explain how this is done? If not then I think this would make a nice feature!

      Cheers, Ant

      ps: sorry if this has already been covered – I did try a search.

    • #18983

      This is a matter of taste, I belive.

      But there is no option now to have more connections in same window.

      Work is going on for a cross-platform version (Win+mac OS-X + Linux). As far as I know this one will have a “tree of connections”. But a fully functional and stable version will be no less than a year.

      Development time I believe depends also on how many people buy the current version of the program. There is no revenue with the cross-platform version development.

    • #18984
      peterlaursen wrote on Aug 19 2005, 12:37 AM:
      This is a matter of taste, I belive.

      But there is no option now to have more connections in same window.

      Work is going on for a cross-platform version (Win+mac OS-X + Linux).  As far as I know this one will have a “tree of connections”.  But a fully functional and stable version will be no less than a year.

      Development time I believe depends also on how many people buy the current version of the program.  There is no revenue with the cross-platform version development.


      Thanks Peter. I at least plan to purchase this. The HTTP tunneling and sync tools are worth the money alone.

      I look forward to the Mac OS X version. I hope to switch to that platform sooner or later – all depends on how Apple's OS X intel port pans out (i.e. I hope they release a generic version that I can install on my Sony Vaio laptop, otherwise I'll probably just buy their first intel-based laptop).

      Incidentally I'll be sure to plug sqlyog to the MacCast when it gets ported over. This is a podcast with several thousand listeners, and you can download each mon/wed/fri show as an mp3 from maccast.com, or via subscribtion within iTunes v4.9.

      Cheers, Ant

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