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Archive And Csv Storage Engines

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Archive And Csv Storage Engines

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    • #9338

      I have been writing this in some other thread but probably it was overlooked.

      For completenes SQLyog 4.2 FINAL should support the ARCHIVE and CSV storage engines. It must be 'piece of cake' to add them to the drop-down box in the 'table' main menu and pop-up menu. It takes only this simple SQL to implement

      alter table `dbname`.`tablename` type = ARCHIVE;


      alter table `dbname`.`tablename` type = CSV;

      I just checked the MySQL versions that I have running.

      On Windows: version 5.0.15-max-nt (the 'complete' binary distribution with installer from dev.mysql.com has support for ARCHIVE but not CSV.

      On Linux (SUSE 10): the standard RPM's (compiled with gnucc++, not the glibc-compilation) version 5.0.15 with version 5.0.15-max installed over it has support for ARCHIVE as well as CSV. These versions are NOT yet available from SUSE (they only got at 4.1.13!) but the above mentioned downloads from MySQL work perfect and install perfect with the Suse standard YAST installer.

      So since these storage engines are now (more or less) distributed with standard distributions of MySQL they should be supported by SQLyog.

    • #19673

      Right now the table-type are hard-coded in the application. We plan to add them dynamically depending upon MySQL version in one of the future version of SQLyog.

    • #19674

      I know they are hardcoded! I can see that! 😀

    • #19675
      peterlaursen wrote on Nov 3 2005, 02:45 PM:
      I know they are hardcoded! I can see that! 😀

      Can I just add my vote in support of this request.

      From the MySQL documentation: “The ARCHIVE storage engine was added in MySQL 4.1.3. It is used for storing large amounts of data without indexes in a very small footprint.”

      Sounds like a very useful addition to the arsenal.

    • #19676


      Please check version 5.2 beta3! 😀


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