I'm happy that it is finally easy to add comments to columns in Yog 5.01! But when you add a comment that has an invalid character the alter table fails.
For example, if I put this as a comment:
The Product's Disclaimer
The alter table will fail because of the apostrophe. If I escape it manually in the comment field then it works fine.
However, this seems a little counter-intuitive to have to do so. I'd imagine it'd be a super fast fix.
EDIT: If I manually escape the comment, it works fine, until I try to alter the table again (I have to re-escape it) or even if I try to reorder the columns (Cntl+Alt+R). The SQL generated from both fails, and in the latter case I cannot manually escape the comment. I have to go back to alter table, remove the character(s), then reorder, then re-add the character(s).